Google 🤝 staying relevant1 night stay at Moulin Rouge 👀, Keep an eye out for Catskill, NY, 200% appreciation on a home 🤯...
OTW to Stagflation 🫥SF is falling short of money 🫣, Is blockchain the future?, Real Estate startups change the game 📈 ...
Netflix can't stop NY 🎬$370M to the future of the "office" 🌎, Frank Gehry x DTLA, Richard Gere profits on land 🤯...
Times Square in the metaverse 👀 Multifamily investors spend billions 🫣, $3B to Homelessness Crisis, Mortgage apps keep rising 📈 ...
Ready to Relocate? 🛫The Secret is out in Hollywood 🫢, Military Base 🔀 Apartment Complexes, Brangelina News 🤯...
The Fed Gets Aggressive...🫣$2B to Industrial Assets 👀, Going Back to Work??, Online Real Estate Purchases 📈 ...
We're getting flying cars 💸Serena Williams x Nike is going live 🎾, In NOW: LA Developments, Michael Eisner is making history 🤯...
We Believe in Science 🧬U.S. Home Prices Keep Surging 👀, Amazon takes a pause on warehouse deals, ARMs are on the 📈 ...